Damage caused by noise pollution in the dental laboratory
Prolonged exposure to stressful noise causes long-term damage to hearing and the body in general.
Every person is exposed to a variety of noises, more or less intense, throughout the day. And not always, as in the case of loud music for example, are they perceived as stressful. However, prolonged exposure to stressful noises causes long-term damage to the hearing and to the body in general.
Going into more detail, the range of human audible sound is between 16 and 16,000 hertz. Sounds within this spectrum are audible to most people. Infrasound refers to long sound waves with a frequency below 16 - 20 Hz, which are therefore below the human hearing threshold. The human ear is almost insensitive to these extremely low sounds.
Compared to infrasound, ultrasound comprises frequencies of 16,000 Hz and above. It is used for many technical and medical (dental) applications, from ultrasound scanning, soldering and tartar removal, density and distance measurement to electric sonic brushing, ultrasound and piezoelectric bone surgery.
By what degree of exposure does a high sound pressure level endanger health? As with any poison, the same applies to noise: the greater the amount, the greater the damage! A human being's physical and/or mental well-being can be compromised and health impaired depending on the duration and intensity of the exposure of the ears to the noise source.
It has been scientifically established that, at a level of 85 dB(A), there is a danger of permanent hearing damage if there is a sufficiently long exposure time (8 hours a day) and little recovery time. Therefore, if the continuous sound level is higher than 80 dB(A), known as the "lower action value", the employee should be provided with individual noise protection measures. From an "upper action value" of 85 dB(A), the employee is obliged to wear hearing protection.
There are many opportunities to stress the hearing of people working in a dental laboratory: from the operating handpiece to the blowing compressed air to the turbine. To give just a few examples: the level during the finishing of skeletal prostheses is around 86 dB(A), with the steamer it can exceed 90 dB(A) and the compressed air jet can reach 105 dB(A).
Exposure to these noise levels implies not only long-term physical harm to workers but also an ongoing stressful situation, resulting in: the body's release of hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol; an increase in blood pressure; a decrease in the ability to concentrate and, consequently, in the quality of work. Permanent exposure can also cause headaches, muscle tension, gastrointestinal disorders or insomnia.
Sistem Air Pro's central vacuum system reduces noise to zero as the motor is installed in a dedicated technical room and allows dust to be suctioned in with an adjustable power, thus making a decisive contribution to protecting workers' hearing.
Prolonged exposure to stressful noise causes long-term damage to hearing and the body in general.
Potential risks and hazards for workers in the sector
Sistem Air Pro is capable of responding to all professional and industrial sector requests